Thursday, February 24, 2011

the best laid plan...

last night didn't go as expected.  The record player sucked.  I was quite upset.  I ordered a different one and it is on its way.  I also set up the return on the other one.  Today was also different than I planned.  Unfortunately it wasn't a super productive day like I hoped for.  But no worries, I did get some things accomplished and I did get tons of exercise.

Ok. So my gorgeous periodic table magnets are finished.  Well they have been finished for a while.  I also have my first order!!!   It's from my cousin so it doesn't totally count.  But i'm pretty psyched about it.

I also am attempting a periodic table in another medium, that I now have just a smidgen of experience in: Shrinky Dinks.  I missed out on working in this medium as a child (seriously, I missed out on so many "normal" childhood experiences and lessons)  I also never had finger paints or a tree house or a tire swing.  I'm still pretty mad about that tree house.

Well, anyways, I gained some valuable knowledge.  I need to use the lighter colored sharpies.  Some turned out just too dark.  I was going to rectify that issue by using a silver paint pen but I forgot to pick it up at the store just now.  I maybe have a silver sharpie somewhere in the house.  I can't wait until i can move into a two bedroom place and have my very own studio for all of my creative endeavors.

I got locked out of the house yet again, which is super annoying.  don't say you will be home if you aren't going to be.

I went to the hardware store.  Got some new tools for working on my designs.

Went to Walmart and got some nice ideas for products and supplies.  Also got shampoo and hair dye.  Just a bit darker than my natural color.  I just want my color to be glossier so this should be perfect.  Its a new brand that i haven't tried yet.

Now i'm laying on my bed, watching reruns and writing this post.  Not listening to records :(

But maybe soon :) i work tomorrow, but then i have 3 days off before the big meeting. i'm scared/excited.  not sure what is all involved or if i will be pulled from the meeting frequently for admissions.  hopefully it goes well and my brain can focus on the task at hand rather than daydreaming about ninjas and duct tape - no lies i seriously spent 8 hours or so thinking about ninjas and duct tape this week.  Work needs to pick up soon.

now i'm going to watch a movie and start sketching out/planning designs for my next few magnet sets including a semi-sassy one inspired by my sister's new boyfriend.  she will think its funny, he will either be mad or sad lol.

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